Tag Archives: city

Researching new summer jacket

Sold my rev’it levante. It didn’t fit me right. Mainly because when I was originally trying it on – I tested the fit with the thermal liner in thinking I was going to use this jacket in to the winter.
Since I have dedicated winter jackets I only really use the levante in the heat. The fit is too big for me and it bothered me so I sold it on ebay for around $175.
I’m currently researching a new jacket. Budget around $200.
Either another rev’it that fits me correctly without liner in – or the dainese air flux. Most reviews of the air flux mention how it feels like a tshirt. Sounds good to me as riding / commuting in NYC humid summer weather is tough. The more light weight and breathable the better. I just need to make sure it has enough protection.
While researching I realized no one lists jacket weights. That’s annoying. Seems like a good metric to help decide.
I’m going to head to motochanic in west New York (nj) tomorrow after work to try some on.